Past event
About the event:
The full-time MBA program at the Cranfield School of Management at Cranfield University is a triple-accredited MBA program with 50 years of experience. It is designed to deliver a practical, purposeful and powerful learning experience, helping to transform today’s high potentials into the leaders of tomorrow.
Join this webinar with Aidan O'Halloran, Head of Business Development at the Cranfield School of Management, and Steven Cowcher, Cranfield MBA alumnus and Co-Founder at Unowned Limited, in order to discover:
- How can the Cranfield MBA turn you into a successful leader?
- What are the admissions process and requirements?
- What scholarship opportunities are there available?
You will also have the opportunity to ask your own questions in an interactive Q&A session within the webinar.
Sign up to watch the Webinar:
About the schools:
Cranfield University: Cranfield School of Management
Cranfield University is a British postgraduate public research university, specializing in technology, and management. It was founded in 1946 as the College of Aeronautics. The university is committed to its passion for applied research in the fields of science, technology, and management. The Cranfield School of Management was founded in 1967 and is one of the oldest business schools in Europe. They have designed their programs to be flexible and innovative and are supported by state-of-the-art technologies to meet students’ needs. Their faculty is actively engaged in consultancy and business-relevant research, making them current and topical in their teaching.