The number of test takers surpasses 4,000 in testing year 2012 and the number of younger test takers has increased by 20 per cent.
Germans are bound to Europe. The majority of the test takers have sent scores to European universities with only 17 per cent of the scores sent to US programmes. Since 2008 when the US was still the top destination with almost 40 per cent of the test scores sent to US schools, now Germany is the prime preference of Germans. This is mainly due to the test takers under 25 years of age who prefer to stay in Germany for their graduate studies. The senior test takers are those who need the GMAT in order to apply for MBA studies and they are still targeting schools in the USA.
With the doubled number of test takers there is a growing need for test preparation advice targeted to the German speaking audience, such as the German platform MBA.DE provides. Young test takers and fresh university graduates with less means to invest in preparation can now take advantage of the MBA.DE support accessible through their voucher for GMAT preparation. The voucher is valid until the end of 2015 and is available by contacting MBA.DE. Thus, the test takers can invest the savings for the actual test fee which is 250 USD plus VAT.
MBA.DE explains for the visitors of PrepAdviser.com that “The GMAT score is an objective selection criterion. Its average result plays an essential role in the international ranking of MBA programs. High score also turns out to be very helpful, because many schools award their scholarships preferentially to “top-GMAT-scorers". For example a GMAT result of more than 700 points easily opens the gate to scholarships in a top business school.”
MBA.DE encourages their German speaking visitors to prepare well for the GMAT. “In contrast to a pure intelligence test you can prepare yourself for the GMAT very well. The more intensely you do this, the higher the accessible score can get. Due to the fact that the competition for high GMAT scores increases yearly, an effective training is more important than ever before.”