Free Online GMAT Study Material

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The best GMAT study material available on the Internet.
Free Online GMAT Study Material

The GMAT study material available on the Internet may be really overwhelming if you have decided to prepare on your own and you are now beginning your quest. Here is a handy review of five free online resources compiled by someone who has already conquered the GMAT.

Most people find the GMAT very difficult. Whether you are out of the habit of studying or can’t seem to remember that you need to flip the fraction over to find the reciprocal, most of us are going to need some help before we sit the test. In a previous post, I outlined my approach to GMAT preparations. However, you may be on a limited budget or just getting started and aren’t willing to pay out thousands of dollars for courses and GMAT study materials to prepare for the test. Luckily for you, there are some great FREE resources available.

Here are my top six study materials for GMAT:


6. examPAL

ExamPAL is a revolutionary way to prepare for standardised tests. Using crowd wisdom and machine learning, examPAL knows what has been statistically proven to be the best way to solve each question on the test, and what is the best way for you.


5. Kaplan GMAT Test Prep

Ken Tran from Kaplan pointed me to the GMAT community homepage, where testers can preview all of Kaplan’s free resources. My favourite is the free practice test. Unlike many free practice tests, Kaplan tries to simulate test-day conditions with an actual proctored exam. If you enrol in the paid course, you can even take your practice exam at the real test centre, an awesome feature that is unique to Kaplan as far as I can tell.


4. The Economist GMAT Tutor

The Economist’s adaptive GMAT preparation, its best-in-class score guarantee, and the included one-to-one tutoring make the paid version incredibly good value.  They also offer a free trial version. The Economist will let you try their course and GMAT study material for 7 days, take a practice exam, and schedule a one-to-one tutoring session – all for free.


3. Veritas Prep’s Mobile App

The first of two mobile apps on this list, Veritas Prep’s prep app is free on the app store. The app, actually designed to accompany the paid course, still allows you to stream all (yes, I mean ALL) of Veritas’s course videos without parting with a single penny. Veritas’s video instructors keep it interesting with light candour while they impart some of the industry’s best instruction and most practical tips.

Google Play


2. Prep4GMAT

Our second app was designed to be free. So, unlike with Veritas Prep, there is no reference to paid GMAT study material you do not have access to. Prep4GMAT recently redesigned their app and what a difference it made! The new app is user friendly and allows for easy progress tracking and weakness identifying.

Prep4GMAT on iTunes

Prep4GMAT on Google Play

Here are also 5 Reasons to Focus on GMAT Preparation

1. GMAT Prep Now

The holy grail of free GMAT study material offers more than 500 videos, including 35 hours of expert GMAT instruction and over 4,000 micro-categorized questions. Unlike most GMAT prep courses, which use only invented questions, many of GMAT Prep Now’s practice questions are from the Official Guide itself. This guarantees that you are not wasting time with questions you will not see on the test and also gives you confidence in the level of difficulty of the practice questions. Brent Hanneson from GMAT Prep Now did not say why they started offering the course for free when contacted for this post; however, their website says, “our biggest reason is that we’re proud of our course.”  Whatever that means…I don’t get it.  All I know is you now have access to hours of high-quality content for FREE!

If you want more materials head to Best GMAT Prep Books


And you might find useful also 5 Steps to Crack GMAT Preparation Books


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