1. Never drink before the exam
It is not a good idea to show up to your final exam feeling tired and emotional. A friends’ birthday or any kind of party the night before the exam is definitely not the right event for a long exam the next day. You will not be concentrated enough in order to pass the exam with a good grade and you will find yourself stressed until the marks come out.
2. Always re-read what you’ve written at 3 am
For many students finishing an assignment in the middle of the night before the due date is a common practice. Not re-reading the assignment before submission is a rough mistake. The brilliantly original paper in language both readable and insightful usually turns out to be a mess the next day. So, a 6 am rewrite and revision is always a good idea.
3. If you don’t get it, get a tutor
If you struggle with understanding some of the things you study in your main courses, you better get a tutor. They will always be of help and not only for passing the course, but actually be awarded with a good mark. So give up your morning coffee if that is what it takes and pay for one.
4. Clever writing doesn’t cut it
Sweet intro and a clever little summery can only bring you the most average marks to your assignments. Content is the king of writing a good paper. There is usually no clever way to disguise not knowing what you are writing about. You have to put a lot of effort into the research, reading of the academic literature and, of course, allow time for your own critical thinking.
5. When motivation is low, just plough on
Every once in a while, you might find yourself hitting a low spot, when everything just seems too much and when work is in the way of study. It is completely normal to feel overwhelmed by the enormity of what there is to learn. For this type of situations, ploughing on is the only course of action available.