Top 10 MBA Application Articles for 2017

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As promised earlier in December, PrepAdviser presents the most popular articles for 2017 on the MBA application and admissions process.
Top 10 MBA Application Articles for 2017

After revealing our top 10 GRE and GMAT articles of the year, we are happy to go a step further and assist you in preparing the rest of your MBA application package. With the help of these articles, you will be able to learn about the deadlines required by different B-schools and you will gain a boost of confidence before your admissions interview.

Stay tuned for our publication covering PrepAdviser’s most popular TOEFL and IELTS reads of the year!

#10. Is There Life After the MBA Rejection?

Bouncing back from an MBA rejection can be tough, but it is definitely not sufficient reason to give up on your ambitious goal. Any motivational speaker will tell you that failure is an opportunity. Instead of languishing in the defeat, take a step back, evaluate your options, and decide on a new plan of action.


#9. 2017 Top European MBA Essays

The MBA essays are the element of the application package that admissions directors are particularly interested in reading. The essays are the most personal part of the written application.


#8. Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your MBA Application

Preparing a strong MBA application package is not easy. It requires time, commitment, and a personal approach even from the very best business school applicants. And although nobody is perfect, we set about investigating the most common mistakes that people could easily avoid in their applications.


#7. Your MBA Admissions Chances

Congratulations! You’ve decided to pursue an MBA degree. You met with admissions representatives from business schools at an MBA fair or at school information sessions. They really liked you, gave you good feedback on your CV/resume, and encouraged you to apply. You fancy your MBA admissions chances. You feel inspired – you never thought applying to your dream business school would be this easy! Your application should be smooth sailing now, right?


#6. 8 Steps for a Successful MBA Application

Successful MBA application is a time-consuming and stressful endeavour. There are plenty of things to be done and you should plan and manage the process carefully.


#5. What to Expect during the MBA Interview

You have been invited to an MBA interview as the final step in your application process! So what happens now?


#4. How to Prepare for EMBA Admission

Here are some tips on what to focus on in order to ensure an EMBA admission.


#3. MBA Application: Round 1, Round 2, or Round 3?

The MBA application typically involves three rounds. However, many students are wondering whether to apply early or wait until the last round of the application cycle.


#2. 2018 MBA Application Deadlines

If you are considering an MBA programme that starts next year, now is the time to learn the 2018 MBA application deadlines for your short list of universities or B-schools. Each school has its own policy for accepting applications, and there is great variation among them.


#1. 7 Interview Questions to Smarten Your MBA Application

You should have in stock several interview questions of your own to ask during the MBA admissions interview.



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About the author

Zornitsa Licheva

Zornitsa is a Content Writer & Editor at Advent Group, where she creates articles and blog posts for Unimy, focusing on higher education, leadership, and career development. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Media, as well as a...

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